Health Coaching
National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Personalized Health Coaching
Trim Healthy Mama Lifestyle Plan
Dr. Sears L.E.A.N. Program
Intermittent Fasting Protocols
Who is health coaching for?
Advanced Holistic Health
& Wellness Coaching
Emotional Eating
Weight Loss
Sugar Addiction
Hormonal Imbalance
Digestive Issues
Adrenal Health
Thyroid Health
Heart Disease
Autoimmune Conditions
Brain and Mood Health
Master Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Trim Healthy Mama
Certified Lifestyle Coach
Dr. Sears’ L.E.A.N. Lifestyle Program is an acronym that stands for Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition.
Lifestyle is how we manage our time and our lives. This means our work, relationships, leisure time, sleep, how we experience stress, and even our spiritual life.
Healthy living without smoking, excessive alcohol, or other unhealthy substances.
One of the healthiest ways to maintain good health is to exercise. The more muscle you have, the more fat calories you can burn
Smile, laugh and look at life in a positive light. Think about things that are positive and trim the fat in your feelings by keeping your mind off counterproductive stuff.
Emphasize a right-fat diet, not a low-fat diet.
Uncover what's keeping you from being and feeling your best.
Start Your Transformation Today
Develop a powerful vision for what healthy living feels like for you.
Discover which foods and lifestyle habits are sapping your energy and what to do about it.
Get to know what which changes need to be made to help you to achieve lasting success!