Far Infrared Sauna
Healthmate Ultra Low EMF Infrared Sauna
At CLEANSE WELLNESS SPA, we offer our clients the absolute best, top of the line sauna experience. Our unit, the Health Mate Enrich 2 Series, which combines their patented dual-wave, low EMF Tecoloy™ heaters that deliver mid- and far-infrared for high-density heat with LED near-infrared panels to ensure full spectrum coverage. Other features include inside/outside touch-sensitive control panels, reflective privacy glass, audio sound systems, exterior lighting, and sustainable, hard wood construction.
Each of our 30 minute sauna sessions allow 45 minute access to the sauna room, allowing you to enjoy complimentary access to our Whole Body Vibration equipment with your sauna session.
Releasing toxins through sweating.
A Far Infrared Sauna treatment can help you release toxins from your body. Having a sauna treatment after an exercise routine has reported great relief for soreness of muscles.
Sweat has higher concentrations of heavy metals, suggesting it is an effective way of detoxifying the body. Exercise is the best way to sweat, but there is nothing like a sweat session in an infrared sauna.
At Cleanse Wellness Spa, our clients have reported feeling more relaxed and rested, as well as feeling cleaner and lighter. Heat helps relieve sore muscles and improves your overall health and well-being.
How does a sauna work for your health?
Full-Spectrum Coverage Infrared heat is produced from a spectrum of powerful wavelengths, and with the combined intensities of near, mid, and far-infrared offered in this model, you receive the maximum health benefits and relaxation. The Health Mate advantage is in our patented especially designed heaters that feature high-watt, full-circle heat second to no other infrared sauna on the market.
Ultra-Low EMF saunas, including this Enrich 2 model which we offer our clients, are equipped with low EMF technology ensuring you get the greatest infrared benefits at the safest levels possible. Low EMF applies not just to its 8 heaters, but also to the controllers and electrical components. In keeping with Health Mate’s continued transparency, the company manufacturer enlisted EMI/EMF experts to conduct 3rd party testing.
It is reported that infrared saunas can assist individuals in the following areas:
Lowering Blood Pressure
Immune System
Wound Healing
Weight Loss
Improved Skin
Pain Relief
Blood Circulation
Relaxation and Stress Relief