Electro Lymphatic

Drainage Therapy

We bring our clients the very best in

Electro Lymphatic Therapy

with equipment by INSPIRATION

At Cleanse Wellness Spa, we bring our clients the very best in Electro Lymphatic Therapy with equipment by INSPIRATION. This amazing light touch, equipment-based therapy uses healing frequencies to break up congestion in the lymphatic system, acting as an accelerated method of moving and draining stagnant lymph from the main drainage points in the body.


Another amazing benefit to Electro Lymphatic Therapy with the Inspiration is Cellulite Reduction. Clients who book sessions with us for troubled areas of cellulite report that they notice a clear reduction in their cellulite with regular sessions.


Experience accelerated healing post-surgically. Bio Lymphatic Therapy reduces bruising and swelling in many patients much faster than traditional healing, as well as relieves post surgery discomfort more quickly. Proper movement of stagnant lymph is imperative during the first 1 to 2 weeks post surgery. Our equipment-based therapy is light touch, which makes stimulating the movement and proper drainage of the lymph possible, unlike that of a traditional lymphatic drainage massage session.


This therapy is also excellent to relieve pain, discomfort and swelling in post-partum women who deliver both vaginally and via cesarean section. This therapy is safe and effective 1-2 days post delivery, as it light touch and non-invasive.

The INSPIRATION was designed by a medical doctor and a NASA engineer for the purpose of enhancing the immune system, reduce inflammation, and increase overall detoxification.

Unlike the blood system, our lymphatic system is not closed and lacks a central pump (such as the heart for our blood system).

Our Lymphatic System begins near the lower part of the spine and collects lymph from the pelvis, abdomen, and lower chest. The thoracic duct runs up through the chest and empties into the blood through a large vein near the left side of the neck. Lymph flows from the lymphatic vessels into lymphatic trunks, and finally into collecting ducts where it is disposed of into the subclavian veins. This complicated bodily function can be affected by lack of physical exercise, being dehydrated, and even eating the wrong foods, causing our lymph to become stagnant rather than properly draining.

Our INSPIRATION equipment is based on the principals of Quantum Physics, making it a safe, chemical-free method of improving the natural flow of fluids in the body. This therapy is highly effective and rapidly dissipates lymph congestion in the body.

According to research, there is a strong relationship between a sluggish lymphatic system and chronic illness.


In a healthy individual, the red blood cells have a negative ionic charge on the outside of their cell. This negative charge creates a repelling energy field that keeps the red blood cells from bonding together, allowing the cells to move freely throughout the entire body.

Electromagnetic frequencies, along with environmental toxins, can cause blockage in our lymph system network. Therapy with the Inspiration adds a negative ion charge to clumped up red blood cells, allowing them to move more freely throughout the body.

Lymph is responsible for carrying accumulated toxic wastes away from the tissues and out of the body. By removing these wastes and blockages via the lymphatic system, the immune system is strengthened.


Signs of Possible Lymphatic Issues

  • Swelling of face, belly, hands and ankles

  • Constipation

  • Rashes, dry skin, cracks in the skin, eczema

  • Aches, pains, skin is "sticky" (doesn't move or glide)

  • Hard nodules along neck, groin, and/or armpit

  • Breast issues including a history of cancer

  • Stiffness, especially in the morning

  • Water retention

  • Brain fog

  • Bloating

  • Fatigue

  • Tonsils removed or swollen

  • Multiple food sensitivities

  • Sinus issues

  • Increased cold and/or flu

  • Chronic sore throats/ear issues

  • Allergies

  • Digestive issues

  • Stubborn weight gain

  • Cellulite

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Breast swelling with each cycle

Benefits associated with Electro Lymphatic Therapy

Although Electro Lymphatic Therapy through the use of the INSPIRATION does not cure any disease, people who have received therapy report they have had relief from various health issues, including:

  • Swelling, edema & inflammation

  • Whiplash and other Traumas

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Various Arthritic Conditions

  • Various back problems

  • Various types of headaches

  • Muscle aches and pains

  • Muscle spasms

  • Swollen lymph nodes

  • Congestion in various parts of the body

  • General pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Scars/scar tissue

  • Cysts of the body

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Reducing lymph edema of the arms

  • Lymph edema of the neck

  • Relief from asthma & bronchitis

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Balance problems related to inner ear

  • Improvement in hypertension

  • Glaucoma and eye inflammation

  • Hearing difficulties/ear Issues

  • Temporal-Mandibular Disorders (TMJ)

  • Abscesses of gums

  • Sore throats

  • Sinus problems

  • Adhesions

  • Breaks up fibrin fibers in scar tissue

  • Various colon issues

  • Chronic colitis

  • Prostatitis

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease

  • Obesity and cellulite

  • Immune system weakness

  • Psoriasis and eczema

  • Cellulite reduction

  • Post cosmetic surgery swelling

  • Skin legions in the head and face

  • Congestion associated with emphysema

  • Pulmonary inflammation and edema

  • Various issues related to fluid retention

  • Bladder and kidney problems

  • Back spasms and swelling of the periosteum

  • post-partum fluid retention/recovery

*According to manufacturer's website.

Contraindications to Electro Lymphatic Therapy

A contraindication is any condition that would suggest or indicate that a particular treatment should not be used. This therapy is not recommended for anyone who:

  • has an electronic device such as a pacemaker

  • has had surgery or an organ transplant, without consulting a physician to ensure that the body has adapted to altered changes

  • is on life support, has rods or pins, head coils, staples or stunts

  • has major cardiac issues

  • is on blood thinners

  • is hemorrhaging or bleeding

  • is pregnant

After reading the list below, if you feel that you have a contraindication, please call us at (931) 295-8779‬ to discuss it with us.

You may also bring a prescription from your doctor to your appointment.