Colon Hydrotherapy
A healthy colon is CRITICAL to good health.
Colon Hydrotherapy is the introduction of warm, filtered water into the colon.
According to many doctors, both conventional as well as holistic practitioners, a clean colon is crucial in preventing and reversing disease, including Autoimmune conditions.
A healthy colon empties every 6-8 hours. Waste is produced for everything that goes into the body except distilled water- 3 meals in, 3 meals out.
Colon health is an ongoing process, and the reversal of an unhealthy colon takes time.
In an unhealthy colon, food and food residue is not eliminated properly, and it remains in the colon, coating the walls of the colon and blocking the vital absorption of nutrients.
Many clinicians feel that 95% of all chronic disease starts with an unhealthy and toxic colon.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Colon Hydrotherapy painful?
Is Colon Hydrotherapy embarrassing?
Is Colon Hydrotherapy for men?
Why to consider Colon Hydrotherapy
How do you feel afterwards?
A healthy colon is critical to good health.
Think of your colon as the waste management station of your body. All your cells, tissues, and liver (your major organ of detoxification) rely upon a well-functioning colon so they can cleanse your body of toxins. In addition to safely excreting waste products from your body, important nutrients and hormones are absorbed and manufactured there as well.
Your colon not only needs to handle the waste, it also has to absorb leftover nutrients (like water, electrolytes, and vitamins) from digested foods and send them back for your body to use. In essence, your colon is deciding what to get rid of and what important nutrients to redistribute.
The average person may have between 7–15 pounds of old fecal matter in the colon, even with a bowel movement each day. The accumulation of waste on the walls of your colon creates the perfect breeding ground for parasites, yeast, bad bacteria and viruses.
Supporting your body with colon cleansing, hydration, and a healthy diet may just be your key to feeling your best again!
Internal Cleansing can help you live a healthier, cleaner life. Regular Colon Hydrotherapy is one way to cleanse your body from toxins.
Clients have reported the following benefits and improvements in their health when cleansing internally.
Improved digestion
Less Candida overgrowth
Riddance of Parasites
Relief from bloating and gas discomfort
Relief from Indigestion and heartburn
Improvement with Bad breath
Less Body odor
Less Constipation
Relief from Abdominal distention
Improvement in Skin disorders including acne, psoriasis, eczema, and hives
Improved digestion and nutrient absorption
Improvement with Poor appetite
Better General health
Relief from Backaches
Relief from Joint pain
Less Colds and flu
Less Fatigue
Less Sinus and allergy
Relief from Headaches
Relief from Migraines
Mental wellness including stress, depression, irritability, anxiety, and tension
Reduces sugar and carbohydrate cravings
Weight loss
Help with Drugs withdrawals
Help with Insomnia
Help with Poor sleeping habits
Help with Poor mental clarity
Help with Brain fog
Better Focus
Lessened Feelings of overwhelm
Reduction in PMS symptoms
Assists athletes with increased energy, improved endurance, and reduced recovery time
Improves immune system, including autoimmune diseases like Lupus, MS, Celiac disease, and Lyme disease and their symptoms
Contraindications to Colon Hydrotherapy
A contraindication is any condition that would suggest or indicate that a particular treatment should not be used.
Cancer of the colon or GI tract
Acute liver failure
Recent history of GI or rectal bleeding
Congestive heart failure
Uncontrolled hypertension
Carcinoma of the rectum
Intestinal perforation
Recent colon or rectal surgery
Vascular aneurism
Renal insufficiency or dialysis patient
Epilepsy or psychoses
Severe hemorrhoids
Fissures or fistula
Ulcerative colitis
Acute Crohn’s disease
Rectal or abdominal tumors
After reading the list below, if you feel that you have a contraindication, please call us at (931) 295-8779 to discuss it with us.
You may also bring a prescription from your doctor to your appointment.